Education: I was able to get my Bachelor degree in Math Education from BYU-Idaho in December and Jason is working on getting his Bachelor degree from ISU. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to get my education. I know so many people that weren't able to finish with their degree and I feel lucky to have mine. I am certified to teach in the state of Idaho with a degree in Math! It makes me feel more secure knowing that if anything was to ever happen to Jason I would be able to provide for my family.

Employment: Jason and I have always been blessed with jobs to provide for our needs since we have been married. From the prosecuting office to Showcase to BYUI to Melaleuca, we have always had enough to pay the bills. I have been with Melaleuca for almost 5 years now. There have been many times that I have wanted to quit, but for some reason never have. Either something would come up with school or at work that would stop me from turning in my two weeks notice. In the last few years I have been able to move up very quickly and now have a job I love! I am the incentives manager for the call centers. When I graduated and was considering teaching, Melaleuca stepped in and asked me to stay. Once again, I did. Jason, in the meantime, had gone from a flyer guy at Big Dog to the manager of their call center in Pocatello. He had gained a ton of experience in call center management. My boss at Melaleuca grew to know Jason through me and was very interested in his experience with call centers. In April, Melaleuca approached Jason and recruited him to come work for them. They gave him a great salary and we were able to switch our insurance to his name so that I can eventually stay home with our family. Looking back, if I wouldn't have stayed with Melaleuca and gotten to know the amazing people there, Jason wouldn't work for them today. It's just an added blessing that I work with great people that I love for a company that cares about it's employees. Again....I'm so grateful.

I have an amazing husband who loves me as much as I love him... to the moon and back. Jason was a great friend who I fell in love with. When I think about the time we first met I never would have guessed he would be the man I would marry, but I am so glad I did! I am comforted to know that I we are sealed for time and all eternity. I couldn't have dreamed that I would ever marry such an amazing man. He is my constant, my strength, my every hope and dream.

Gospel: Of all my blessings, the one I hold most dear is my testimony. I know that my Savior and Redeemer lives. I know that he loves me and knows me individually. I am grateful for scripture that brings comfort and peace in a world full of confusion. I know that all of my blessings come through Him. He is my Rock and my Salvation. "But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." John 4:14
I'm so happy for you! What a nice post this was, thank you for sharing. :)
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