Well, my goal of blogging often hasn't happened. I'll try and catch everyone up on the last month.....

Our work sent us to a Jazz game in January and we had a lot of fun! We went with our friends April and Mike Weed. Let's just say the car ride down was quite entertaining. :) Our tickets were amazing! We sat in Row B, right on the floor. We got to go to the dinner before the game (all you can eat crab, prime rib, you name it), got a sweet parking pass, got the half-time VIP room that was full of concession food, and sat down on the floor. It was a lot of fun! Jason got to go to last night's game with his boss as well, so that is two games for him this season! Thanks, Melaleuca!
Our sweet little Carson turned 6 months old on January 7th! It's crazy how fast time flies. Here are his stats from his appointment:
Weight- 16lbs, 14oz - 37%
Height- 26 1/2 inches - 52%
Head - 17 inches - 32%
I can't believe how much he has grown! He is so much fun. Right now he loves to squeal and still gives mom lots of kisses. He is the happiest baby ever! He is constantly laughing and smiling. He sits up so well right now and loves to look at himself in the mirror. He got some blocks for Christmas from my aunt and he loves to play with them. We just love our little man!
Last weekend we got to go to Utah and visit our family! We spent time with Jason's grandparents in Sandy, got to see my brother Zach, and got to visit with Jordan. It was a great weekend! Grandpa and Grandma made us lots of yummy food while we were there, like always. Steaks, King Crab legs, pie....I don't think we could have eaten any more food! Well, I will try and post more often! Sorry for the month of absence! Love you all!
Ahhh next time you come to Utah we should get together!!! Thanks for the update!!
I can't believe he is already 6 month. I hope he is growing well. He looks happy and you do as well. Children are wonderful blessing. They make us stronger and create lasting love.
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