I was extremely nervous about having our third baby. Everyone kept telling me how hard #3 was and it made me terrified! Brooklyn was/is such a temperamental little girl and I wasn't sure how she would do with another baby here. Carson is only 3, which means I would have 3 kids ages 3 and under. Jason and I want our kids close together so we wouldn't want it any other way, but that doesn't make it any less challenging or stressful. With Jason being in school and working full time, it meant it I would mostly have to do it on my own. I was prepared for the worst.
We brought Morgan home and I just kept waiting for things to explode.....but it never did. The kids have been so excited to have her here and I actually adjusted fairly easy to 3. Granted there are HARD days, and times when I'm overwhelmed, but for the most part we are adjusting to 3 kiddos just fine.
One of the first days home from the hospital, Carson insisted that we make a birthday cake for Morgan. He wouldn't stop talking about it, so one night after dinner we made a cake. I let Carson pick out the decorations, so the cake is very boyish. Morgan slept through her entire "birthday" party.
Carson loves playing in the snow and one day with the girls were sleeping we took him outside and played. He loved it! The snow was too soft to make a snowman, but we made snow angels and ran around.

Jason took the kids to the Lowe's kids workshop to get them out of the house and do something fun with them. They built a Christmas train and got to decorate it with stickers. They always look so cute in their little aprons and they really enjoy building things there, especially Carson.
Brooklyn's hair is getting so long! She looked so cute one day that I had to take a picture.
The kids wanted to make sugar cookies one day so I pulled out all of the Christmas cookie cutters and let them go for it. They had such a hard time waiting for them to bake. They patiently stood by the oven and watched the whole time. Afterwards I gave them each a plate of frosting and the sprinkles and let them go to town. Carson used an entire container of sprinkles on his cookies. The sprinkles on top were thicker than the actual cookie. What can you expect from a 3 year old, I guess. :)
So far our adjustment to 3 kids has been a good one. Morgan is a sweet baby and the kids love her to pieces. Hopefully it stays this way!
I think #3 is the easiest. You already know what to expect. :) I knew you would be fine with three. You're a good mom. :)
You are a very good mom! I would never let you guys do stuff like this because I didn't want all the mess! It's so good that you are letting them be creative. They will always remember that!
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